Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So I went to get my hair done today but wasn't able to do what I wanted because I had Jacob with me. I was more than a little frustrated. I understand their reason for not wanting a baby there, but at the same time, it wasn't as if I could just call someone and say "hey, can you watch jacob for me for a bit?" It's hard enough having to take Jacob with me everywhere, but it's even harder when I can't do the things that I want or need to do because I don't have anyone who will watch Jacob at the drop of a hat. I could understand more certain places not allowing the child because of the fear of them getting into things, but he isn't even crawling yet. He was sleeping and probably would have slept through the whole thing had they allowed me to stay for the appointment.

I guess it's just more frustrating because I don't really have someone that I can call and say "hey can you watch him while I go get my hair done". ARGH...

That's my rant for today... Stupid people...