Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I found I don't do well with keeping a blog or anything updated... It seems like I have good intentions and then I get busy with other things and then don't have (or take) the time to sit down to write. I really don't know that many people follow this anyway, so sometimes it seems pointless. 

I guess I am feeling bored right now. I have been at home all day with one sickly little boy. He seems to be feeling much better now, but he was running a temp of 103 this morning. It was a little disconcerting, but thankfully it came down and he is almost back to normal now. I'm not sure if he is working on teeth or if he just has a bad cold, but I feel like I can't really do much to help him out. And at times, his crying and whining drives me nuts. Since I've been home all day today, I have a bit of cabin fever. WAAAAH... 

Jacob is almost 10 months old... It's kinda a scary thought. 
