Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What happened???

As I said in the last post... It's been a while since I last wrote! Anyway, Things have been a total madhouse around our place. I worked on finishing up school stuff and my parents were here to visit this last weekend. We had an early Christmas! It was somewhat stressful, but overall, I survived! Now I have to figure out what to get everyone else for Christmas. It seems like every year, I have these great ideas and work hard to get them accomplished and then when I look at them when the person opens the gift, I think... Oh... That wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be. It's rather frustrating. Oh well. At least I tried. It's the effort that counts right?

So how did you like the snow? I would have liked it better had I been able to stay home and just veg out, but I had agreed to take a guy from our church to Portland so he could go see his mom for 3 weeks. The plan had been for my mom, dad, and I to take this guy to the airport and then go and visit my aunt Vicki for a bit. Well... Our plans were foiled! Anyway, we were gone for 12 hours and on the road for most of that time. ARGH!

Anyway, Joe is ready to go, so I'd better run! More soon. Promise!


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