Sunday, February 7, 2010

My New Venture

Things that happened with Jacob today:
1. Jacob was super tired after playing in the nursery during church this morning but Grandma Genny cheered him up with some special treats!
2. Jacob got to go to the Hirons' house today for the superbowl party and spent time with Sharon's grandkids playing on the stairs or just running around. I think he had fun and was definitely tired by the time we were headed home...
3. When we got home, Jacob and I laid on the couch together just "vegging" out... We were both SUPER tired...

How I felt physically:
I still have this stupid cough that is really annoying and getting nothing accomplished. My voice is doing better after having lost it earlier this week, but it still gets scratchy every now and then. My head, however, was a different story. It feels like it's exploding. I woke up with a headache this morning, and it has lingered all day. I'm not sure if my pillow has something to do with it or not. I took my muscle relaxer and tried the new migraine medication that the dr gave me but neither helped much so I ended up taking a V before the service started. It didn't seem to help much, but hopefully given the chance it will work wonders. I also felt tired today. Sunday is the early day and it doesn't help when you don't get a full night's sleep or quality sleep in the night before.

How I felt about myself:
Lately I haven't been feeling spectacular about my body. I've been working on losing weight, but somehow I can't seem to really focus on it. I find myself sabotaging the healthy food by eating "not so healthy things" and then hoping that it won't make a difference. I probably could have lost more weight if I'd been able to stay away from some of those things, but I'm having trouble letting them go. Not feeling spectacular about myself makes me self conscious when it comes to kanoodling and it's affected our intimacy. I'm hoping that with time, I can work on that as well. I think I need to realize that my body didn't get this way over night and it won't miraculously change overnight either. It takes time and EFFORT to get results. I hope Joe can be patient with me.

How I felt about being pregnant (or things I noticed):
I think I'm starting to show more. The shirt I wore today was fairly loose, but when I pulled it snug over my middle, there was a definite bump there and not just tummy bulge either... like baby bump... It's only a matter of time before I start to really show and Joe starts calling it my THIRD... (not second as I previously posted) boob again. I haven't really experienced any morning sickness lately (other than being queasy every once in a while which hasn't really happened lately), but I think the headaches are worse because of it. I'll be glad when they clear up or we can find a solution to the pain.

1. Having to get up at 5:45 in the morning
2. Coming back to the house at 9:15 and D&M not being ready when they asked for a ride and I made a special trip back to the house to pick them up
3. Some glitches happened with the media and my regular guy wasn't there to run the system, so it caused a bit of a ruckus. I swear the song was there during rehearsal. Somehow it got deleted.
4. I didn't have much time for a nap this afternoon and what time I had was interrupted because the cat kept scratching on the door and Jacob kept crying. He fell asleep on the way home and Joe put him in his bed and then when he woke up, he was crying and Joe didn't hear him. I would have gotten up to get him, but the deal is that Joe watches him on Sunday while I try to sleep. I'm not sure how long he cried, but I was about ready to yell at Joe "don't you hear your son crying?" when Joe finally came and got him, Jacob was fine for a bit and then kept crying out in the family room. Joe couldn't figure out why he was crying and finally came and brought Jacob to me. So much for a nap. Jacob was hungry. I asked Joe if he gave him something to eat and he said "Jacob didn't ask for something to eat". It seemed logical that he would be hungry since he didn't eat much at church and then fell asleep before we had lunch at home.
5. Travis is now staying with us and today while we were at church, Dave & Michelle proceeded to tell Travis that he couldn't eat food from this cupboard or these shelves but that he could eat food from their shelves because there were these pink notes that said "please eat your own food"... This frustrated me because it is NOT their place to tell Travis what he can and cannot eat at our house, nor is the circumstances behind the reason why he is staying with us and the reason why they are staying with us. They have taken advantage of us time and time again and get $400 worth of rent for maybe $50 a month plus babysitting which they complained that we weren't paying them for. They get their own food stamps and have their own money for food and then proceed to eat ours without regard to the money that we spend to keep our house stocked with food, nor do they replace the things that they use. There is a contract that outlines these things that they have read and signed and they still proceed to disregard and disrespect our space and things.

Things that I noticed or happened that made me feel loved and appreciated:
1. Joe has been trying to tell me more that he loves me.
2. Joe despite wanting kanoodling last night was content to cuddle with me for a while before we kanoodled.
3. When we were at the Hirons', Joe put his arms around me and just kinda held me there as we were standing there in a room full of people. He doesn't often show affection in a room of people or on Sundays (because that is his work day). It felt kinda nice.

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